Name. The group shall be called The Essex Audio-Visual Group and is affiliated to the EAF.
Object. To further the art of Audio Visual sequences.
Membership. Any person interested in photography and sound recording as an amateur of professional, who agrees actively to support the Group's objects may apply to the hon. Secretary for membership. Membership of the Group implies the undertaking to comply with and abide by these rules. A member may be expelled or asked to resign at the decision of the and abide by these rules. A member may be expelled or asked to resign at the decision of the Committee. The member has the right to appeal to a specially called meeting of the Group.
Subscriptions. Entrance fees and subscriptions shall be such amounts as are from time to time determined by the Annual General Meeting or by a Special General meeting. Membership of the group shall cease if Subscriptions are not paid on or prior to 1st meeting in February.
Organisation. The officers of the group shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Assistant officers as may from time to time be decided. The chairman shall serve a two year term or at the discretion of the members may be longer, all to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Management. A Committee consisting of the officers and other elected members shall manage the affairs of the group, 5 persons constitute a quorum, and shall include at least Chairman and/or Vice Chairman.
Annual General Meeting. The AGM of the group shall be held during the month of January each year. The business shall include minutes of the previous AGM, Annual Report of the committee, Audited Statement of Accounts and balance sheet for year ending 1st week in December. Election of Officers and committee members and appointment of Auditor.
Special General Meeting. A SGM can be called at any time by the Committee or on receipt of a requisition signed by not less than (one quarter) of the members. Twenty-one days notice must be given to all transacted. No business other than that appearing on the notice of such meeting shall be transacted thereat.
Rules. A copy of the rules shall be supplied to every member of the group. No alteration to these rules shall be made except at an AGM or SGM.
Propositions. All nominations and preposition for AGM or SGM shall not be accepted unless given to the Hon Secretary fourteen days before the date of the meeting, signed by two members of the group as proposer and seconder.
Selection. The committee shall select any member's sequence for public projection.
Copyright Laws. The group shall not be held responsible for any individual member's infringement of the Copyright Laws.
Emergencies. In the event of anything occurring not provided for or not clear in the forgoing rules, the committee shall have power to deal with the same at their discretion.
Dissolution. The group may be dissolved only the consent of three-fourths of the members present at the SGM called for that purpose. Such meeting shall appoint a Liquidator and decide on the disposal of Group Funds and Assets.