All meetings now held at:
Cranham Community Association
115a Marlborough Gardens, Upminster, RM14 1SR
Starting at 7.45pm
10th January Review of the Year sequences
7th February AGM and bring any sequences
6th March Battle with Leeds AVG & Worcestershire AVG
3th April Swap Evening with Waves & East Midlands AVG
1st May TBA
5th June Open Competition. Subject matter of your choice
12 Minutes
3rd July Keith presents some AVs of our most influential AV friends
and present
7th August Tribute to the late Peter Allen. A showing of some of his AVs
4th September Set Subject Competition ‘Time’ Max 8 Mins
2nd October Analogue AVs (Slide/Tape) A look back to pre digital sequences
Saturday 12th October The East Anglian Federation AV Trophy
Foxton Village Hall, Hardman Rd, Foxton CB22 6NR. Start 9.45am
6th November Ian Bateman LIVE.
A special visit from Ian who will show some of his award winning sequences
4th December Marilyn Leedham 4 Minute Trophy
Entries must be submitted by 27th November
Judge TBA